
  1. Accessing the first element in forEach loop (JavaScript)
  2. Add thousands separator into numbers (JavaScript)
  3. Adding a class to all sibling elements of a specific type in JavaScript
  4. Append an element after a specific element in JavaScript
  5. Array to string in JavaScript
  6. Calculate sum of HTML table column in JavaScript
  7. Checking if the current URL contains a given string (JavaScript)
  8. Click event only on parent, not children
  9. Detect if a class has been added (JavaScript)
  10. Detecting a newly generated element and adding a class to it in JavaScript
  11. Generating an HTML list out of page headings in JavaScript
  12. Get the current URL in JavaScript
  13. Getting the last class name in classList collection
  14. JavaScript form submit
  15. JavaScript rollover. Image swap
  16. Remove all attributes of an element
  17. Removing the last character from a string in Javascript
  18. Run only once inside a loop
  19. Select all given sibling elements between two other given sibling elements in JavaScript
  20. Transliterating Russian to English in JavaScript
  21. Wrap each character of a string in <span> tag (JavaScript)
  22. Wrap each word of text in <span> tag (JavaScript)
  23. Wrap the first word of text in <span> tag (JavaScript)